How Many Bottles Do You Need for a Baby? Do You Know That?

How many bottles do you need for a baby? Are you confused about it? Parenthood can be exciting and stressful, mainly when you are the first parent.

There are a lot of concerns and endless Google searches to find the most suitable option for your child. And it is perfectly normal.

There is a chance that you will have lots of questions about the baby equipment you will require. It is up to you to decide whether or not you will breastfeed or bottle-feed your infant.

Determining the best baby bottles and breast pumps to purchase for your nursery and other things is also essential.

Making sure your child is eating well is one of your most essential duties. Because of this, you might wonder how many bottles you need for a baby. The exact amount depends on many factors, such as the baby’s age.

It is also contingent on how you plan to feed your infant. The average newborn baby feeds between 10 and 14 times per 24 hours, and feeds get less frequent as they age.

If you are only feeding your baby via bottle, regardless of formula or expressed breastmilk, you could need about six to four bottles and teats to start.

It lets you sterilize them in between feedings. If you are planning on breastfeeding, purchasing bottles is unnecessary.

How many bottles do you need for a baby

Read on to learn how many baby bottles to prepare and other pertinent information regarding bottle feeding.

Baby Bottles

1.1. For A Single Day, How Many Bottles Do You Need For A Baby?

Every baby is unique. The number of bottles you need daily will depend on your baby’s age and whether you breastfeed, formula feed, or both.

There are no fixed numbers about “how many bottles do you need for a baby?” to get the best feeding.

However, you must consider the frequency of your child’s meals and, in particular, how often you wash the bottle.

Feeding your baby at least every 2 to 3 hours is possible. You may have to provide them more often if you are nursing because the digestibility of breast milk is quicker than formula.

We have compiled the most common guidelines for the number of baby bottles you need according to your baby’s age and feeding habits.

One To Four Baby Bottles

If breastfeeding your baby at home, you do not require more bottles. You will likely only require up to four bottles to use each day.

Of course, you will need to keep a few bottles on the go in case you have to go out for a run. You could also consider having several bottles available if you are a fan of feeding your child in public or want your partner to join in with feedings.

Fewer bottles will be required as your baby grows older. There will be fewer bottles to use if your baby is over the age of six months and you are beginning to supplement their diet with solid foods.

In this instance, experts suggest feeding their milk or formula in a cup instead of bottles.

Three To Six Baby Bottles

It is usual for babies to feed between five and six times daily from the months to five-month range. If you use breastfeeding with bottle feeding, you will likely require less than six bottles daily.

Take note of how often to clean your bottles. If you do not want to stress washing the bottles every time your baby has to eat, you could purchase some additional ones.

Six Or More Baby Bottles

In the first month, infants require between six to eight feeds daily of around two to four ounces of milk. As your baby grows older into its second month, your feeding frequency can be reduced due to drinking more at once.

If you are nursing your child, you will probably need under six bottles daily for the first month.

But, if you are a mom working or are away from your baby for some duration, it is recommended to keep more bottles. Having enough bottles to last the whole period you are away is essential.

What Size And How Many Bottles Do You Need For A Baby?

Bottles are available in two sizes: small ones with 150ml and larger ones with 250ml. Infants are fed little in the initial few weeks because their stomachs are tiny.

Can you use big bottles for newborns? If this comes to your mind, the answer is “NO.” The smaller bottles are better appropriate for this stage. Infants who drink from larger bottles consume more milk, leading to overfeeding.

How many bottles do you need for a baby

Bottle-feeding parents may have to switch to larger bottles as their child develops and the amount of milk consumed increases.

Each baby is different; therefore, there is no legal age for when this is the time to do it.

Pay attention to your child’s feeding signals and indications that they require more milk. For example, they finish their feeding and seem to want more.

What Kind Of Feeding Bottle Is The Best, And How Many Bottles Do You Need For A Baby?

There are a variety of bottle types to take into consideration. Each one has pros and cons as well as specializations.

Many parents prefer a combination of them on hand to accommodate the various requirements.

Since 2011, the European Commission has banned Bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles.

It was due to fears that the chemical might leach from the plastic and then be absorbed by babies. None of the bottles available in the UK should contain BPA.

No research shows the differences in feeding capacity or patterns between different brands of nipples or bottles. It is up to you and your child to determine what is best for you. Here is a quick overview of the major kinds of bottles in the marketplace:

The Basic Baby Bottles

They are the most standard bottles, which are typically small and round. They usually come with teats, as well as lids, and are priced reasonably.

Standard baby bottles are what you think of when you think of an infant bottle. These are the standard bottles you will see in shops and are the ones that parents use to meet their daily necessities.

Parents do not receive whistles or bells when buying a typical infant bottle. They are durable and offer the most basic fittings for teats and other accessories.

Standard baby bottles are usually the most economical choice. They are widely available; filling these bottles with a narrow neck is more complicated.

Anti-Colic Baby Bottle

Sometimes, infants swallow air from regular bottles, which can cause uncomfortable gas and gastric indigestion.

It can cause your child to suffer from prolonged bouts of crying, also called Colic. Colic is most frequent during the first six weeks of life and generally goes by itself.

These anti-colic bottles are more expensive, and their design is intended to minimize the risk of colic-related symptoms.

They typically have tubes, air vents, or collapsible bags to help reduce the volume of air swallowed.

It is hard to tell whether these bottles have an impact, as the only research conducted comes from the makers and is not independent.

Some parents find these bottles useful, but may not fit every baby. So, utilizing these bottles is not an absolute cure and can be challenging to wash.

It is possible to find that it is recommended to ensure that your teat is full of milk to prevent the baby from taking in the air.

But when the milk flow is too rapid and out of the baby’s hands, it is more likely to trigger gas or indigestion. However, babies whose mothers use paced feeding methods have less gas.

Bottles With Wide Necks

Bottles With Wide Necks are smaller and heavier than the standard ones, but you can use the exact amount of milk inside these bottles. They are usually made of silicone instead of latex teats and are sealed with a self-sealing lid.

One of the advantages of these bottles is that they are simple to fill and wash. However, they will take up more space in the sterilizer; therefore, you cannot clean more bottles at once.

Bottles Ready-To-Feed

The powdered formulation is not sterilized; therefore, you must use water at around 70°C to eliminate bacteria.

When the temperature of your water gets too high, it may reduce the nutritional value of the powder. However, it might be unable to kill bacteria in the powder when it is too cold. “Ready-to-feed” bottles contain ready-made milk that has been sterilized.

Ready-to-feed bottles can be an ideal short-term solution when parents have been instructed to feed their infant formula based on medical guidance. However, they are expensive and are not the best for the environment.

If you plan to use formula right from the beginning at the hospital, they may require you to bring these bottles since they do not have the space or facilities to sterilize them.

Self-Sterilizing Bottles

Self-sterilizing Bottles are designed to be easily and quickly sterilized using the microwave.

Fill a tiny portion of the bottle’s base with water, then place the bottle’s components on the top. Then, put it in your microwave for a couple of moments to sterilize the steam.

Disposal Bottles

The single-use bottles are easy to go and affordable. However, using them regularly will quickly cost more than feeding your refillable baby bottles. Also, they are not environmentally friendly.

Material Of Baby bottles

Various materials are commonly employed in the manufacture of bottles for babies. Glass, plastic, silicone, and stainless steel are used in the US.

Each of these materials has different advantages, disadvantages, and prices. While certain materials might be more suitable for certain situations, the final choice may depend on personal preference.

Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles have been the most used; however, there are a few issues to be aware of. There was a time when baby bottles contained the industrial chemical Bisphenol A (BPA).

In 2012, BPA was banned from baby bottles by the US Food and Drug Administration due to health issues.

How many bottles do you need for a baby

However, certain chemicals still permitted in plastic containers could make you uneasy about using these bottles.

Although there may be health issues, plastic is an affordable and long-lasting alternative.

If you use plastic bottles, stay clear of ones filled with BPA, BPS, Phthalates, and PVC.

Glass Bottles

Glass bottles do not carry the chemical risk that plastic bottles do. They are also easy to clean and can stand up to extreme temperatures.

The disadvantage of glass bottles is they are more costly and can break. They could also be too heavy to carry for your child, who might try to grab the bottle when feeding.

Silicone Bottles

The food-grade silicone bottle is trendy for parents as they are brittle-free as plastic, but they don’t carry the same risk of hazardous chemicals.

If you have decided to use silica bottles for your child, ensure the bottle is made from medical or food-grade silicone.

It is important to note that silicone bottles are more expensive than plastic or glass bottles.

Stainless Steel Bottles

The stainless-steel bottles are typically higher priced but offer advantages that others do not have.

For instance, stainless steel bottles can withstand high temperatures, are light and comfortable to hold, and will not break.

The biggest drawback of stainless-steel bottles lies in the cost and the possibility of containing lead. You should purchase food-grade stainless steel to ensure your baby’s bottle is not lead-contaminated.

Things to Look For In Your Ideal Baby Bottle

A few of the characteristics to be looking for in baby bottles include:

  • Naturally shaped nipples enable easy latching and decrease confusion over nipples in breastfed infants.
  • Tilted nipples because they reduce backflow, which could lead to infections in the ear.
  • Ventilation of air to minimize the amount of air circulating to avoid an upset stomach.
  • One-handed closure allows you to close the bottle while you hold the baby safely.
  • Easy to clean and simple to grasp baby bottles

The right baby bottle is essential to preparing for the new family member. Actually, “How many bottles do you need for a baby?” will depend on your baby’s needs, your ability to clean them, and other factors.

Safety Tips In Bottle-Feeding & Buying Baby Bottles

Note these safety concerns when feeding your baby bottle:

  • Always check product reviews before purchasing baby items, including nipples and bottles, which directly contact your baby’s skin and mouth.
  • Choose BPA-free containers if you plan to purchase plastic ones.
  • Do not put plastic bottles into the microwave or place bottles in dishwashers. It can release harmful chemicals that your baby could ingest.
  • Check your bottles and nipples regularly for damage and cracks that could pose a choking risk to your infant. These cracks could also house bacteria and lead to leakage.
  • Be sure to use clean water, bottles, and nipples while making the milk for your infant.
  • Take your doctor’s advice and ensure that you consult them if your child has issues with feeding.
  • After every feeding, make sure to burp your child.

Baby Bottles Nipples

Factors To Consider In Choosing Baby Bottle Nipples

There’s a wide selection of bottle nipples available on the market. It can be a bit confusing when trying to decide on one for your child.

They differ in the width of the base and the length of the nose. Some are promoted as more feminine or mimicking breastfeeding. However, there is not any solid evidence that supports this.

You should consider using a nipple better suited for paced bottle feeding. It will, therefore, hold enough milk when placed in a horizontal orientation instead of having to be tipped up so your baby can access the milk.

If you are mix-feeding your baby (feeding through both the bottle or breast), it might be helpful to choose a nipple that can encourage your child to widen their mouth to take the entire nipple, not only the tip.

Nipples with a medium-wide base and a medium to short-length nipple enable babies to open their mouths wide and place their tongues over the cup.

How many bottles do you need for a baby

In addition to knowing “how many bottles do you need for a baby?”, you need to choose different types of nipples for your baby bottles.

Types Of Baby Bottle Nipples

Standard Bulb Type

These standard nipples are narrow and bell-shaped. They are made for classic or slim bottles. Since they are thin, they may have a slower milk flow than wider ones.

Be aware that these nipples could cause your child to be more prone to colic gassiness or spit-up.

Naturally Shaped Nipples For Wide-Neck Bottles

These items could help improve latching and feeding since they are made to replicate the natural contours of mom’s breasts and nipples.

They are also larger than average nipples. They cannot fit traditional bottles but are compatible with bottles with a wide neck.

Due to their natural style, the nipples are best for breastfeeding mothers.

Utilizing them can assist your baby in avoiding the nipple tangle, which might occur during the transition between bottle feeding and breastfeeding.

Orthodontic Nipples

They do not have a dome on the tip, as do other forms of nipples. Instead, the half-dome tip is flat, and the slope is at an angle to the half-dome area.

Your pediatrician might suggest this kind of nipple once your baby gets teeth. It expands when your child starts to feed.

It is important to note that due to its asymmetrical tips, the nipple must be placed correctly to avoid leakage.

Expandable Nipple

These nipples are specially designed to stretch when your baby eats; however, only if your child can suck hard enough to pull the nipple further and open his mouth.

Although they may aid in more efficient feeding, you should not use them if you are nursing. The baby may have lazy latch-on patterns and refuse to feed on your breast.

Anti-Colic Nipples

Apart from normal nipples, you could also consider anti-colic baby nipples.

The designs vary from brand to brand; however, these nipples usually come with valves specially designed to flex according to the baby’s feeding pattern.

It will make feeding more enjoyable for your infant and lessen the risk of the number of air bubbles.

Disposable Nipples

Cleaning and sterilizing baby bottles while traveling or taking a long journey with your child can become difficult.

The disposable nipples may not have the best designs, but they can be helpful during these instances. They can be discarded at the end of each use.

What Should Be The Nipple Sizes & Flow Rate

In addition to knowing “how many bottles do you need for a baby?”, it is essential to purchase the nipples that fit in the bottle well.

Choosing one from the same manufacturer as the baby bottle is suitable when looking for replacement or extra parts.

Check the size to ensure you purchase the appropriate nipple for the bottle, regardless of whether it is wide or narrow-necked.

Apart from the size, look for your flow speed. Different brands could have other codes; however, they generally indicate the flow rate and recommended age.

The number is the size of the hole in the nipple (for example, size 1 has one hole, while size 2 has two holes). It is probably safer, to begin with the smaller numbers and gradually increase the rate of flow and length for your infant as he gets bigger.

Be careful to replace nipples more frequently than buy new bottles. A lot of babies will bite their nipples and make bigger holes, mainly when they are in the process of teething. Be sure to replace damaged nipples to stop accidental leaks and injuries.

Newborn Nipple

What size bottle for newborns, do you know that? Newborn nipples are ideal for babies who are just starting to feed.

These nipples usually come in size one. You can also buy the size zero slow flow for babies or preemies who may have trouble handling the bigger size.

Slow Flow Nipples

Slow Flow nipples are typically for younger babies, offer slower flow, and comprise two or three holes. They are best for babies aged from three to six months. Certain brands also utilize “medium flow.”

Fast Flow Nipples

When your child grows up, there will be a more critical requirement for milk. Your child may be experiencing frustration during mealtimes because the milk flow is insufficient for his needs.

You can use sizes three or four when your baby is six or five months old. Certain brands provide sizes five and call them “fast flow.”

These quick-flow nipples can be helpful if your doctor recommends adding more formula to thicken your baby’s milk.

Most pediatricians recommend that you introduce your child to the Best Slow Flow Sippy Cups and slowly introduce them to drinking from a regular cup following the first birthday.

Material Of Baby Bottle Nipples


Nipples from latex can be more flexible, soft, and less expensive than silicone. However, they can also break easily. They are not as durable, and some children may also be allergic to latex. Yet, many parents prefer soft latex. It is fine. However, ensure you buy BPA-free napkins.

  • It is worth considering the drawbacks of selecting latex nipples:
  • They have light yellow or amber colors that some parents may consider unpleasant.
  • The material is known to hold the smell of odors and can be unpleasant, particularly if the nipples previously had spoiled milk.
  • The latex material may degrade faster in hot or direct sunlight.
  • The Nipple may form a sticky coating when the latex breaks down after about two months of usage.


Silicone-based nipples are generally more durable than latex. But they are more expensive than latex. However, some parents buy them because they are more durable, particularly for formula-fed babies.

What Is The Best Time To Change The Nipple Size Of The Bottle?

Flow rates of nipples are related to the number of holes or sizes inside the nipples. It determines how milk flows from the nipple to the baby’s mouth.

A slower flow is typically preferred for infants while you are both learning to feed. If the rate of flow is too high, it makes the process of paced feeding more difficult.

Infants would not have much control over how they feed, as milk will flow into their mouths quicker than they could.

It could make your child cry, choke, or struggle until it spills out from the side of their mouth. It could also mean that they are upset and can develop diarrhea.

They are more likely to overfeed if they cannot regulate their food intake. The inability to respond to feeding has been linked with irritability and aversion to food in the short term.

You can shift to an intermediate flow when they are older and accustomed to bottle feeding. Follow your baby’s instructions to determine which nipple best suits their needs.

Some babies are more comfortable with nipples with a slow flow for a long time. There are also airflow nipples, where the flow rate can be varied.

It is essential to change your nipples regularly and examine them for damage. When the infant’s teeth appear, they could damage nipples by chewing on them. It is a risk of choking.

Other Must-Haves For Baby Bottle-Feeding

The following must-haves will help to make feeding bottles more manageable and more effective:

  • Tote bag
  • Bottle warmer
  • Sterilizer
  • Bottle drying rack
  • Basket for dishwashing
  • Cleaning materials (bottle brush, etc.)
  • Sleeves made of silicone for glass bottles

Recommendations For The Best Baby Bottles

What bottles do I need for a newborn? Here are some recommendations:

  • Philips AVENT Natural Baby Bottles
  • Philips Avent Natural Glass Bottles
  • MAM Anti-Colic Bottles
  • Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Baby Bottles
  • Brown’s Natural Flow Original Baby Bottle
  • Playtex Baby Nurser Bottles with Drop-In Liners
  • Comotomo Baby Bottles (Best Anti-Colic Bottle)
  • Nuk Simply Natural Bottles
  • Medela Breast Milk Bottles
  • A. Baby Ultimate Stainless-Steel Bottles
  • Haakaa Silicone Bottles

Frequently Asked Questions: How many bottles do you need for a baby?

What Is The Reason For Sterilizing Nipples And Bottles?

Sterilizing baby bottles is recommended for infants younger than one year, as bacteria can quickly multiply in milk that remains on the nipples or bottles. Babies are particularly susceptible to those bacterial species.

Before sterilizing, all the bottles and nipples must be cleaned manually or by dishwasher. If you wash them by hand, you will require an additional brush to clean teats and bottles.

When Do I Need To Discard My Baby’s Bottle?

If you discover that the bottle your child is damaged, scratched, or broken, it is an ideal option to get it replaced.

It is also suggested that infants stop drinking from bottles using nipples before they reach the age of one year since drinking nipples leaves the teeth coated with milk, which can cause tooth decay.

How Often Should I Feed My Baby?

The majority of newborns feed once every 2 to 3 hours. The frequency increases to three to four hours as they age, and their stomachs can hold more milk.

If your child is suffering from difficulties with weight gain, your doctor may suggest feeding more often until the weight you want to achieve is reached.

There is no specific time to feed your baby. However, you can feed as needed. It is possible to provide your baby whenever you observe indicators of hunger, for example, a baby’s nuzzling against your breasts, crying, or moving their lips and tongues as if they are nursing.

How Many 8 Oz Bottles Does A Baby Need?

Babies might have different milk requirements; however, this is the amount they will require according to their age:

  • Newborn infants: 1.5 to 3 oz every 2 to 3 hours
  • Two to four months: 4 to 5 oz each three or four hours
  • Four to six months: 4 – 6 ounces each, 3 to 6 hours
  • Six months and over 6-8 oz every 4 to 6 hours

How Long Should A Bottle-Feeding Take?

It all depends on your child. However, the average time for feeding a bottle is 15-20 minutes. Many moms decide to stop at every ounce to burp their infants. It could extend the amount of food consumed by about 45 minutes to an hour but could help prevent spit-up.

How Long Does A Baby Bottle Last?

Generally, a milk bottle lasts up to 90 minutes at room temperature. However, you should dispose of leftovers from the bottle approximately 1 hour after your child begins feeding on it.

Placing bottles in your refrigerator is tempting to use the formula again; however, bacteria can be contaminated.

If you forget the time the bottle has been in the refrigerator, you should know “what to do with expired baby formula?” because that bottle could harm the baby.

It is better to make an entirely new batch using clean bottles rather than try to save a few dollars only because your child can become sick from the spoilt or unclean milk.

How Often Should You Buy New Bottles For Baby?

Replacing your baby’s bottle every 4 to 6 months is a good idea.

When Should I Switch From Slow Flow To Fast Flow Nipples?

It is best to follow the advice of the manufacturer on the packaging. If your child is irritable because milk flow could be slow, you could change to a speedy flow nipple before the recommended timeframe.

However, check whether your baby can cope with the increased flow if you have switched from a nipple to a slow flow.

Final Words

Hopefully, you know the answer now: “How many bottles do you need for a baby”?  Various other choices are made when buying bottles for babies.

There are a variety of accessories and parts: the nipples, venting system, attachments to the breast pump, and more.

Different bottles have different lengths of necks, which affects the ease of cleaning and the nipples that will work. Therefore, choose bottles and materials that you feel comfortable with.

It is essential to ensure they are compatible as some products cannot be well-matched, so conduct your research before purchasing.