
Legal Stuff

Legal Disclaimer

All content related to Lookafterbabies.com including blog articles and email is written and managed by Jessica. Although the information provided by these contents is cautiously researched and reviewed for correctness, the author will not be responsible for any damage, loss, or injury that is caused by the user of any information from this website.

It is not the responsibility of the author to provide professional judgment or medical advice. Jessica is not a medical professional, therefore any information provided by this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are always advised to seek professional help from their midwife, pediatrician or OB/GYN, etc.

Affiliate Marketing Disclosure

I’m a member of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which is an affiliate advertising program. It is designed for the provision of resources that will help the sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. This helps me cover my costs, purchase foodstuffs, pay bills and childcare, and therefore purchase your stuff from my site.

This site also contains other advertising links from Google Adsence. If you click on these, I may get a commission because of your purchase.

Product Reviews

The reviews of different products that are present on this site are based on our own experience with that product or on the discussion with other mothers that are using these products.

This information is again properly checked against neutral, third-party reviews of other customers from sites such as Amazon, Customer Reports, Baby Gear, etc.

I will never compromise on the quality of products and will not accept any compensation from the manufacturers of products in return for positive reviews.

Thank you for your support

Truly, Jessica

Contact Me

If you want to contact me because of any reason, lookafterbabies@gmail.com is my email address, you can contact me any time.