Baby Heat Rash – Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies, and Treatment

Baby heat rash is commonly found in babies, and your baby might have sensitive skin. You want to know the actual reason for baby heat rash.
Some babies have sensitive skin, and they are exposed to rash. You will notice redness and rashes at some unusual points. In typical cases, a heat rash is not dangerous, but in some cases, it may be a symptom of underlying diseases.

Without proper diagnosis, it is impossible to treat any disease. It is essential to know the heat rash so you can adopt the best way to treat this problem.
We are here to give you proper guidelines and information about the baby rash, and we will also discuss the causes and symptoms of baby heat rash. We will also discuss preventions and home remedies for treating baby heat rash and when you need to worry.

After reading this article, you will get the answer to these common questions How long does heat rash last? Sun rash on face, Heat rash on arms, Heat rash on baby’s face, and Heat rash on stomach.

What Is Baby Heat Rash?

Baby Heat Rash: How To Treat and Prevent It

Heat rash baby is mainly considered as summer or prickly heat. It is defined as a rash formed by the outburst of small bumps identical to blisters. 

These bumps will appear red if your little one has a light and sensitive skin. Newborn and infant heat rash are most common, but this heat can develop in anyone. 

Toddler heat rand or children’s heat rash most commonly happens when your little one becomes overheated. Heat rash in babies is most commonly noticed in these points of skin:

  • Chest 
  • Stomach
  • Neck
  • Heat rash on babies will also appear in all those parts where cloth will contact your skin tightly. Here is a picture of a heat rash and bumps on my face.

What Does Heat Rash Look Like?

Baby Heat Rash: How To Treat and Prevent It

We have noticed prickly heat on your baby’s skin. It looks like patches of little bumps or mostly appears as tiny blisters. Its normal color is red  in babies with light skin. 

These baby heat rash most commonly occurs on:

  • Posterior of your little one’s neck. 
  • The surface of your baby’s shoulder and chest.
  • In the place where cloth tightly comes in contact with skin. It mainly includes the diaper area, especially the waistline area. 
  • It also occurs on your forehead or scalp if you wear a hat. 
  • It is commonly seen in the back of the knee, elbow creases, neck, and armpits.
  • The heat rash on the baby’s belly is also red. 
  • Eczema, baby heat rash, appears as red patches on the skin.

Types Of Baby Heat Rash 

Baby Heat Rash: How To Treat and Prevent It

Heat rash on newborns and heat rash on toddlers is most common in babies, and it is difficult to explain this situation to others. This heat rash in toddlers appears like little pumps with redness around them. 

Here Are Different Types of Heat Rashes.

Miliaria Crystalline

This heat rash occurs when your baby’s sweat glands are blocked. This heat rash occurs because your little one’s sweat glands are not correctly formed. You will notice a clear fluid-filled pump which you can easily break.

Miliaria Rubra 

This most common and well-known type of heat rash on newborns is sometimes called prickly heat. It is caused due to blockage of the sweat gland present deep in the skin and causes inflamed pumps, prickly sensations, and itching. 

Its symptoms become severe during baby sweating. These heat rashes commonly appear in these regions of infants: The armpits, Neck, and Groin region.

Miliaria Profunda

This heat rash is less common in babies and occurs deep in the skin. This rash causes fleshed-colored pumps, which are big and create itching. 

During sweating, these pumps appear on the arms and legs but are most commonly seen in the trunk. Your baby rash becomes apparent during a stoppage of sweating. Here is a picture of a heat rash on my buttocks.

What Are Heat Rash Symptoms In Babies?

Baby Heat Rash: How To Treat and Prevent It

There are a lot of symptoms in babies, and here we will discuss some of the main symptoms:

Moist red bumps often appear as small clusters identical to blisters or pimples.


It mostly appears red and is found in skin folds of necks, arms, legs, chest, and diaper areas.


It is the most common symptom, and you will notice the baby’s restlessness and extra crankiness with prickly pain. You must focus on symptoms as your baby can’t describe his condition.

Trouble sleeping

Due to itching, pain, and prickling sensations, your baby will face trouble sleeping. 

What Do You Know About The Causes Of Heat Rash?

Heat rash on the baby’s face and other sweat glands most commonly occurs due to sweat gland blockage. It mainly happens when:

You expose your little one to much heat or sun. You put your baby in overdressed or tight clothes. You expose your baby to intense exercise or physical activity.

How Would You Diagnose Baby Heat Rash?

The key to diagnosing baby heat rash is its appearance. Your pediatrician will question your baby’s symptoms and health history for more information.

He will also check your baby’s physical condition and refer you to rash tests if needed.

How To Get Rid Of Heat Bumps?

In everyday situations, there is no need to treat heat rash. These rashes become ordinary in a typical duration of 2 to 3 days. You can follow these instructions to treat heat rash or heat bumps:

Hydrocortisone cream

This cream is best for relieving itching. You should apply Hydrocortisone cream.

Make sure you are not applying this cream to your diaper.

Wash your hands with sanitizer and soap before applying this cream to the affected area.

Antihistamine medicine

You can also administer antihistamine medicine in your baby’s body to relieve itching.

 Cool Compress

Baby Heat Rash: How To Treat and Prevent It

A cool compress can also eliminate heat bumps on arms and other body parts. Cool compress is given by washing cloth in cool water, then applied to the affected area. 

Cool baths

Heat bumps on legs and other body parts can also be removed if you expose your baby to cool baths.

Diaper loosening

As discussed earlier, your baby’s diaper is also responsible for rashes; you can prevent them by loosening the diaper area.

Loosen your child’s diaper if it rubs against the rash area.

Heat Rash Is Treacherous Or Not?

Sun rash on the face or simple baby heat rash is not dangerous. In a typical case, it causes nothing dangerous except restlessness and itchiness.

The most common cause of baby heat rash is an increment in normal heat. Thus you must take immediate action to lower the baby’s body temperature. 

Heat stroke may be much more dangerous if your little one remains overheated for a long time. 

When your baby becomes overheated at night, this condition is called sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

You must check your baby’s dress and room temperature before moving your baby into the room. 

If you feel too hot, it will undoubtedly be much hot for your baby.

When Do You Need To Worry About Baby Heat Rash?

You should not be worried when you take appropriate measures to make your baby’s skin temperature normal to prevent heat rash.

In most cases, heat rashes are not fatal. It is because heat rash occurs because of the diaper, which is less severe.

As discussed above, in some cases, heat rashes can be fatal if you don’t care about your baby correctly.

When Do You Need To Call A Doctor?

In case of the following symptoms, you must call your healthcare worker.

Pus-Filled blisters:

As you know, pus-filled blisters are a sign of underlying disease, and you must consult your doctor in case of this problem.

Red streaks on the skin

You must know that baby heat rash is typical and should not worry about it. But if you notice red steaks, contact your healthcare worker immediately.

Swollen Lymph nodes

These swollen lymph nodes are also dangerous; you must contact them if this problem arises.


Chills may be fatal, so you should contact your healthcare worker.

Skin Peeling

Many diseases are associated with skin peeling; you must call your doctor before wasting time.

Palm and hands redness

No doubt, heat rashes look red, but if you notice intense redness on your palm and hands is serious. 

Rashes that do not lighten when touched

Rashes are mostly lightened on touch, and severe and underlying disease rashes do not lighten on touch.

Long-term rash

As rashes last about 2 to 3 days, you must consult your doctor if your baby’s skin rash lasts more than 7 days.

Associated symptoms:

As described earlier, baby heat rash is not a disease but a heat rash with a sore throat, body aches, and fever that may be due to an illness or severe infection. 

You should have medical consultation in this case.

Seizures with fever

A seizure may be due to a disturbance in the brain’s electrical activity, and you need to consult your doctor in case of seizures with fever.

Fever and Children

Your baby’s skin temperature may fluctuate, and you must use a digital thermometer to check skin temperature. You must avoid using a mercury thermometer.

Using a rectal thermometer, you must measure your infant and toddler’s skin temperature. You have to place this thermometer in the hole of the rectum. Your baby can move out of his body during stool pass. 

You must read the instructional manual before checking the baby’s body temperature. If uncomfortable with the rectal temperature, use another temperature measurement method.

You must inform your healthcare worker about the method you use for temperature measurement.

In this article, we will also guide you about baby skin temperature. Before discussing the skin temperature, you must know that ear temperature is not trustable before 6 months. 

You must avoid oral temperature until your loved one hits the age of about 4 years.

Baby under 3 months old

First, you need to ask your doctor method of baby skin temperature measurement. Here are some typical ranges of temperature:

Rectal and forehead

It must be 100.4°F or advised by your doctor according to your baby’s condition.

Armpit temperature

Its normal range is about 99°F or advised by your doctor according to your baby’s condition.

Children aged 3 to 36 months Rectal, ear, and forehead

It must be 102°F or advised by your doctor according to your baby’s condition.

Armpit temperature

Its normal range is about 101°F or advised by your doctor according to your baby’s condition.

Baby of any age:

Your baby with an age of more than 6 months’ temperature must be 104°F or advised by your doctor according to your baby’s condition.

You should consult your medical worker if your baby is under 2 years old and has had a fever for the last 24 hours.

In case of fever for more than 3 days, you should consult your health care worker.

How Long Does A Heat Rash Last?

Now our topic of discussion is How long do heat rashes last? As described earlier, a typical heat rash lasts 2 to 3 days and will be recovered independently. It is normal, and you should not worry about it.

You must consult your doctor if you notice any adverse changes in your child’s skin and other symptoms like fever, infection, etc.

How Would You Treat Baby Heat Rash?

You must follow these instructions when your little one has a heat rash. In this way, you can save your baby from any harm.

Baby Cool down

Baby heat rash mainly occurs due to heat; in this case, you must shift your baby to a cool place such as a tree shade and air-conditioned room. 

You should expose your baby to sunshade.

You can also put cool packs on your baby’s skin to cover the heat rash.

Undress your baby

Baby Heat Rash: How To Treat and Prevent It

Your baby’s clothes are responsible for heat rash, and removing your baby’s clothing would be best. This thing will cause your baby to be prevented from severe rash.

Avoid skin moisture

Moist skin can cause severe rash, so dry your baby’s skin.

You must avoid using a towel to dry your skin because it can cause rashes to become severe. 

Before skin drying, you must shift your baby to a cool place.

Avoid Tight clothing

First, you place your baby in a cool place then you need to dry his skin.

Now, it’s time to wear clothes. You must ensure that your baby’s clothes are not must tight because tight clothes can cause rashes to become severe.

You must choose loose clothing in case of rash.

Avoid scratching

If your baby suffers from a rash, you must ensure he is not scratching his skin. I know it is difficult to stop your baby from scratching but try your best for him.

If skin blisters get open due to scratching, it will cause infection, which may be fatal.

You can also prevent scratching by cutting your baby’s fingernail. It reduces the chances of blister opening.

Avoid medication

To avoid rashes, you must prevent administering any medicine or ointment on your baby’s skin. This can cause severe rashes, and you must follow healthcare worker instructions only.

What Is A Method To Prevent A Baby’s Heat Rash?

You can easily prevent heat rashes by following our simple instructions described below.

Comfortable dressing

Your baby’s dress plays a core role in causing baby heat rash. You must dress your baby according to the surrounding environment.

If you feel your baby’s environment is hot, dress him in loose clothes.

In a cold environment, you need to dress him in tight clothes. Remember, tight clothes are responsible for rashes.

Stop car rides in hot temperatures.

Your car seat lacks ventilation, and your baby in the rear-facing car seat cannot receive ventilation. Moreover, there is a lot of chance of exposure directly to sunlight, and more than 50 percent of heat rashes exist. 

To prevent rashes and keep your baby cool, you can buy a sunshade which is helpful to protect your baby from the direct heat of the sun.

In case of any tour with your little one, you should try to drive early morning and ensure that your baby is well protected.

Avoid sunlight

You must try to prevent your baby from exposure to direct sunlight. In another case, if it is necessary to go in daylight, ensure your baby is completely protected and wearing a sun hat.

This way, you can keep your baby cool and prevent heat rash.

Proper hydration

Skin hydration is the basic need to prevent a baby from heat rash.

Ensure he must introduce adequate water and milk to keep him hydrated.

Proper check-in

After certain intervals, you must check if your baby’s skin is not damp, turning pink, or too hot due to sunlight or any other cause. 

Suppose you notice your baby’s skin is getting overheated. In that case, you can place an excellent pack or cool cloth responsible for average body temperature.

It would help if you focused on the underarms, legs, and neck.

Night time preventions

It will help if you care correctly, even at night time. If your baby gets heated at night, you can undress him or opt for shorts. 

To prevent your little one from getting hot, you should turn off the fan or air conditioner. You must ensure that your baby’s room is adequately ventilated.

Home Remedies To Treat Heat Rash  

Heat Rash Remedy

In this topic, we will discuss heat rash remedies. Your baby rash is not very severe and will be cured without any treatment within 2 to 3 days. As a parent or caregiver, you can cure your baby and add ease of discomfort with these methods:

Skin Cleaning

Skin Cleaning

You must clean the affected area regularly when you notice your baby is suffering from a heat rash. 

You must ensure that your oil and other things do not affect your baby’s rash.

Air conditioner

You must turn on the air conditioner and fans to cool your baby’s skin.

Skin Hydration

You should keep your baby well hydrated in case of a baby’s heat rash. 

You can keep your baby hydrated by increasing the water intake and breast milk demand.

Skin rash cream

You must avoid applying rash creams on baby skin to treat heat rash. 

An allergic reaction does not cause heat rash, so you must not use these creams on your baby’s skin.

Some medical workers advise using steroid creams to speed up the rash healing. As you know, the rash can cause severe problems for babies due to scratching.  

Thus, your baby may be exposed to fever and infection due to scratching, which may be fatal. If you notice that your baby is ill and his condition will not recover, you must consult your healthcare worker. 

Your doctor will advise your baby on antibiotics to help treat infection and clear up rashes.

Related: Can I Use Cornstarch for Diaper Rash?

What Are The Risk Factors For Baby Heat Rash In Babies?

There are the following risk factors included in baby heat rash:

Warm clothed

Wearing too warm clothes compared to the weather is a risk factor.

Warm Climate

Your baby may suffer from a heat rash if you live in a warm climate.

Expose to heat sources.

If you expose your little one to heat sources like heat lamps and space heaters, your baby may suffer heat rashes.


Swaddling is the leading risk factor, especially if the weather is hot and your baby is sweating.

Sweat duct blockage

If you apply thick creams on a baby’s skin, your baby may get a heat rash due to sweat gland blockage.


The baby rash is mainly caused due to blockage of sweat glands and will recover independently without medication.

It appears red on the baby’s skin, and you must take appropriate measures to prevent these heat rashes. You must consult your medical worker in case of infection or prolonged rash. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a heat rash last?

Now our topic of discussion is How long do heat rashes last? As described earlier, a typical heat rash lasts 2 to 3 days and will be recovered independently. It’s normal, and you should not be worried in this case.

You must consult your doctor if you notice any adverse changes in your child’s skin and other symptoms like fever, infection, etc.

What Do You Know About The Causes Of Heat Rash?

Heat rash on the baby’s face and other sweat glands occurs most commonly due to sweat gland blockage. It mainly happens when:

  • You expose your little one to much heat or sun. 
  • You put your baby in overdressed or tight clothes. 
  • You expose your baby to intense exercise or physical activity.

How to treat heat rash in babies and toddlers?

You can treat your baby’s heat rash by following these simple instructions:

  • Baby heat rash mainly occurs due to heat; in this case, you must shift your baby to a cool place such as a tree shade and air-conditioned room. 
  • You should expose your baby to sunshade.
  • You can also put cool packs on your baby’s skin to cover the heat rash.
  • Your baby’s clothes are responsible for heat rash, and removing your baby’s clothing would be best. This thing will cause your baby to be prevented from a severe rash.
  • If your baby suffers from a rash, you must ensure he is not scratching his skin. I know it is difficult to stop your baby from scratching but try your best for him.
  • If skin blisters get open due to scratching, it will cause infection, which may be fatal.
  • You can also prevent scratching by cutting your baby’s fingernail. It reduces the chances of blister opening.

How to get rid of prickly heat overnight?

Prickly heat rash may occur due to summer heat. You can treat it with simple home remedies like applying cool pads, turning on the air conditioner, and shifting to a cold environment. In mild cases, it will recover independently and without medication.

What to avoid when the baby has a heat rash? 

You should avoid overdressing, tight clothing, scratching, moist environment, ointments, and creams.