25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies. Your baby is well-nourished, healthy, and has a clean diaper. Yet, the crying has gone on for several hours.

The majority of babies cry. Children who are colicky cry more often than expected. This can be very frustrating for parents.

However, the good thing is that it’s not permanent, and you’re not the only one. Colic usually begins when the baby is approximately 3 weeks old.

It is over when they reach 3-4 months. According to Kids Health, a report states that up to 40% of babies might suffer from colic. The condition is characterized by frequent crying, not due to any medical problem.

Crying usually occurs in the evening for more than three hours or on a regular schedule.

What Is Colic?

Colic is a condition in which an infant cries for hours each day. He calls even if the infant is fed well and otherwise healthy. The first signs of colic usually occur at around 2 weeks and peak around 6-8 weeks.

The majority of symptoms of colic are gone at the point when the infant is between 4 and five months old.

Colic Symptoms in Babies

The most common symptom of colic is crying, which is inconsolable. It could appear as if your child is screaming or screaming. It does not matter what you try to cause them to stop.

Other symptoms and signs of colic are:

  • Expressions of facial expressions, like grimacing or dragging the legs.
  • Signal discomfort.
  • Squeezing the fists.
  • Intense gasping or holding breath.
  • Back arching.
  • A stomach that is rough to feel.
  • Passing more stool than average.
  • Acting inconsolably and frantic.
25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies


The reason for this isn’t entirely particular. However, a few pediatricians suggest it could be due to neuronal immaturity.

OR in infants unable to adjust to the world outside of the womb. This causes babies to suffer from irritability over a more extended period. Some babies tend to be more sensitive to stimuli.

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

They also have an intolerance to breast milk. It is also believed that babies with colic could react to acid reflux, gas, or any other allergy.

The cause of colic can be varied. There is no specific treatment method. However, pediatricians advise ways to calm infants by determining the causes of colic.

The doctors typically follow”the “Rules of Three” to diagnose babies

with colic. These include:

  • If the baby is crying for more than 3 hours per day, the baby is crying.
  • It is considered colic if colic occurs for at least 3 days per week.
  • If the colic persists for at least 3 consecutive weeks.

Read More: Does Cold Formula Cause Gas in Babies?

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

1. Mint Tea

Mint is an excellent remedy for digestive cramps. However, it should only be administered to infants over 6 months old.

Place one teaspoon of mint into the hot water in a cup. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes.

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

After that, strain it and give your child a couple of teaspoons of this tea.

2. Ask for Help

Colic is a medical condition that doesn’t have a specific cause or treatment. If the situation becomes unbearable, you should seek help from your family member or partner.

3. Initiate Tummy Time

Lay your baby on her belly. Rub the back of your baby. It assists in passing gas. Ensure you start the tummy time after the baby has awoken but not immediately following a feeding.

It should take a time gap of at least 30 minutes between feeding and tummy.

4. Hold Your Baby Upright After Breastfeeding

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Milk may re-enter the esophagus if you lay your baby down right after breastfeeding. It will cause heartburn. Keep your baby up straight to avoid the signs of acid reflux.

5. Try Antigas Drops

Antigas drops break the gas into tiny bubbles and help relieve colic. Consult your pediatrician before giving this to your child.

Colic isn’t a condition that requires any anxiety in parents. The frequent crying can be difficult to manage. However, it will not last longer than the first six months.

If you believe your situation is getting beyond control, you should seek your doctor’s advice.

6. Give a Warm Bath

Warm baths are an effective solution for infant colic, which has been practiced for centuries. Warm water eases discomfort. You could also gently massage the abdomen of your baby while bathing her.

Read More: Does Foam in Formula Cause Gas?

7. Apply a Warm Compress

A warm compress can provide relief from gas. Place a towel in warm water, then squeeze it. Put the towel on your baby’s belly or lightly rub the stomach using the cloth.

8. Massage Your Baby

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Massages are not just for soothing babies but also help digestion. Use coconut or olive oil on your palms and gently massage your baby’s stomach clockwise.

9. Try the Pedalling Exercise

This is a basic but efficient exercise. Put your baby onto her back. Make sure her ankles are tightly pressed together, and gently pull the legs one at a stretch toward her stomach.

Keep each leg close to the stomach for a few minutes.

Repetition the pedaling exercise for about a minute. If your child does not like the movement and stops, stop the practice immediately.

Read More: Oral Thrush in Babies, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

10. Burp Your Baby

Always burp your baby right after feeding. This relieves gas and avoids the accumulation of air inside the baby’s stomach.

After feeding your baby, place them on the shoulder by putting her shoulders and neck on your shoulders. Then, gently pat her back until you hear a burp.

11. Make a Concoction of Tulsi Leaves

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Tulsi (Basil) Leaves possess antispasmodic qualities. This means they can aid your baby in dealing with digestive issues.

Add a few leaves of basil to the water, then bring it to a boil. Once it has cooled, then give it to your child to drink.

12. Use Fennel Seeds

Mix a tablespoon of the fennel seeds in one cup of boiling water. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes before you remove the roots. Offer them water to your child.

13. Feed Probiotics

Colic is often caused by gas. Acid reflux or sluggish digestive tract. A specific type of probiotic called Lactobacillus reuteri is efficient in treating colic.

It aids in reducing the inflammation in the gut as well as kills bacteria. It also inhibits E. Coli bacteria.

It is more prevalent in infants who suffer from colic than those with no colic. In addition, many infants suffering from colic recover within 3 weeks.

It is best to start probiotics at six months since it’s unnecessary until the baby is breastfeeding. Consult a physician before selecting the probiotic to be administered to your infant.

14. Use Gripe Water

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Pure and natural gripe water is believed to be efficient in curing colic. It comprises chamomile, ginger, fennel, and lemon balm.

When purchasing the water, ensure it is 100% pure and contains no preservatives. Also, consult your physician for recommendations on preservative-free gripe water.

15. Change the Formula Milk Brand

If your child has a constant bout of colicky, changing the brand of formula milk may aid. Sometimes, the ingredients in the formula milk of a specific brand might be the cause of colic.

If you’ve begun giving baby formula milk to infants. In addition to breastfeeding, if you notice that your baby is colicky, you can try switching to formula milk.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider can help reduce heartburn and also fight yeast infections. So, experimenting with apple cider could help with your child’s colic problem.

Apple cider vinegar is given to babies when they turn six months old. Make sure you select an apple cider that has been pasteurized. Then, filtered vinegar for infants. The undiluted apple cider

vinegar may cause a burning sensation since it is acidic at 5, so diluting it is suggested. You can do it using one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 4 ounces of water.

You can increase the amount of apple cider vinegar to 1 tablespoon per 4 ounces of water for older babies.

17. Try Peppermint

Peppermint’s calming and antispasmodic properties. Put a drop of the oil in a teaspoon of massage oil for babies. Then, rub the oils between your fingers to heat it.

After that, gently massage your baby’s belly using the oil.

18. Watch What You Eat

Your diet affects breast milk. Therefore, be aware of the foods you consume. Beware of dairy products containing gluten, coffee, and citrus fruits.

Furthermore, beware of spicy food items if your infant is suffering from colic.

19. Cut the Chaos

Do not soothe your baby with a conversation and singing to your baby. Set up a space that is peaceful and tranquil.

20. Change the Feeding Bottle

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Inadequately changing the feeding bottle could be the cause of colic, too. Changes to the feeding bottle can alter what amount of oxygen your child swallows when eating.

This can affect digestion. Make sure to switch your baby’s food bottle.

21. Use Hing

Hing (asafoetida) helps relieve gas and flatulence and aids in digestion. It is a popular Indian home remedy to treat infants suffering from colic.

Add one pinch of hing to one teaspoon of water and bring it to a boil. Use this mixture around the navel of your child. If your baby has started solid food, mix a little asafoetida into their food or water.

22. Feed a Little Longer on Each Breast

Ensure your baby eats more time on each breast rather than switching between breasts.

Hindmilk, released when the infant has taken a sip from one breast for a long time, is much more nutritious than foremilk, which comes out at the start.

Hindmilk has more fat that aids digestion and relaxes the stomach. A lot of foremilk can lead to stomach discomfort.

23. Place Her in a Rocking Chair

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

The baby can be rocked with your hands or in a rocking chair. The baby’s bouncing around in a sling so the baby can be tilted. Standing can help ease and calm an angry baby.

24. Use White Noise To Soothe Your Baby

White noises can be highly relaxing if your child is suffering from colic.

There are a variety of white noise machines available in the market that are specifically made for infants, or you can download a white noise application on your smartphone.

25 Best Home Remedies For Colic In Babies

Play around with various sounds and volume levels until you discover what sounds and volumes work for your baby.

You could also play white noise for the entire day in the background to avoid flare-ups of colic.

25. Take a breath of fresh air.

The fresh air has a magical effect. If I could not calm Griffin or Paloma, I would always wrap us up and take them to the park.

Sunlight, the breeze, and birds’ chirping movements all helped change the mood and calm my kids.


If your child is crying and hurting, several ways can provide relief. Swaddling them, putting an ice-cold towel on their stomachs, or providing a pacifier will help soothe colic symptoms.

You could also attempt gently massaging your baby and playing background music in the background. These suggestions are fantastic ways to relieve colicky babies’ pain.


What can I do to ease my baby’s colic quickly?

Your baby could calm down when you:

  1. Put them on their backs in a dark, peaceful room.
  2. Snuggle them snuggly with a blanket.
  3. Try a massage for your infant.
  4. Place a hot water bottle over your baby’s belly.
  5. Let them chew on the pacemaker.
  6. Let them soak in the warm water.

What can I do to help my baby who has colic?

How Is Colic Treated?

  • Be sure your baby doesn’t have a hunger problem.
  • Check that your baby is wearing a messy diaper.
  • Try to feed your baby more frequently between meals.
  • If you bottle-feed, you can try other bottles to determine how they aid your baby in consuming less air.
  • Ask your doctor if changing your formulation might assist.

What are the best methods to avoid colic?

6 Tips On Preventing Colic

  • Avoid Stress While You’re Pregnant. Our mother transfers many of the things that are within our bodies when expecting.
  • Avoid Being Too Active After 4 pm.
  • Take Your Baby Out with You.
  • Ensure Your Baby is Comfortable.
  • Keep on Trying.

Does colic cause pain in infants?

Colic is a crying that may be abdominal pain during the first few months of infanthood. It is widespread and can affect one in five newborns in their first months.

Does honey aid in curing colic?

In line with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, The Agency reminds us that honey shouldn’t be fed to babies under one year old.

Therefore, honey should not be added to a baby’s food or applied to fingers or as a pacifier to calm a baby who is restless or a baby suffering from colic, for example.

How can you get a child with colic to fall asleep?

Shush. Use a white sound machine while your baby is asleep. You could also hold them close and create a loud, shushing sound through their ear.

It may feel strange, but it can be soothing for crying babies! Swing: Move your baby side-to-side with your body.

How long will colic last?

Colic is when a healthy infant cries for a long time without apparent reason. It’s most prevalent in the first 6 weeks of the baby’s life.

It typically disappears completely by the age of 3-4 months. One in four newborns may be affected.

Does warm water help reduce colic?

A warm bath or compress can be a natural cure for colicky infants. It also provides relief from gas. Warm water can relieve pain.

Soak an old towel with warm water, squeeze, and gently massage the baby’s stomach.

Which positions can help the baby pass gas?

Several positions can assist your child with gas by helping the stomach and digestion system.

  • Left side. Begin gently rolling your baby onto your left hand while you hold the baby in your arms.
  • In the rear. Your baby should be on the back and move the legs like cycling.
  • On the stomach.