Does Cold Formula Cause Gas in Babies?

If you’re wondering if the cold Formula is the cause of gas, it depends on the Formula.

So long as the Formula is kept at room temperature, it’s safe to conclude that cold Formula will not cause gas.

The cold formula can potentially upset a baby’s stomach, as its lower temperature might make it harder for them to digest. Still, it is important to note that cold formulas cannot cause direct harm to your baby.

But if the Formula mixes with cold water or if the Formula is fed to a baby cup, it may result in gas.

You might be wondering whether cold Formula triggers infants to have colicky symptoms. Although rare, some babies with stomach sensitivities may experience indigestion when given cold formula.

Still, it’s more likely to be an array of elements like stress, excessive intake of milk, or insufficient absorption.

Does Cold Formula Cause Gas?

The baby’s gas isn’t regular. It’s a commonplace. The digestive systems of babies aren’t fully developed. This is why it’s normal for a small amount of gas to be produced as they grow and adapt.

Parents, you have a responsibility to be aware of the causes of the gas and take action to stop it from occurring.

You must be mindful that it will happen regardless of how you deal with it. It’s a prevalent and standard issue for newborn babies.

The temperature of a baby formula generally doesn’t directly affect the infant’s stomach.

Can Cold Formula Upset Baby’s Stomach?

Cold Formula and cold milk can trigger indigestion in infants with stomach sensitivities.

When the stomach cools, the digestive process is slow. It may slow the process and cause excess gas or cramping. It can also cause distress and discomfort.

The most effective way to prevent these signs is to stay clear of feeding formula or milk stored in refrigerated containers.

If you are traveling, use an appliance to keep the milk warm.

Related: Best Baby Bottles for Gas and Colic Prevention

Can Babies Allow To Drink Formula That Is Cold?

According to science, there’s nothing wrong with feeding your child cold milk.

It makes sense that milk directly from the breast flows out at a warm temperature of 98 temperatures Fahrenheit.

If the product replaces breast milk, making the formula heat roughly the temperature of the fresh milk you’d feed your child is more typical.

  • While it’s standard practice to warm a baby’s milk until it’s cool, it’s not necessary scientifically.
  • Research has shown no differences between babies who drink cold Formula and those with warm Formula.
  • The study infants generally showed similar sleep patterns, consumed about as many calories, and progressed similarly.
Does Cold Formula Cause Gas?

Heating the Formula could expose your baby’s food to risk. Unsafe heating can cause hot spots in the liquid, which can cause mouth burns for your baby.

Even if it’s chilled to the right temperature, the overheated Formula may also degrade vital nutrients in the Formula mix.

Related: Is Ready-to-Feed Formula Easier to Digest?

Is Cold Formula Harder to Digest?

While most infants can easily take warm, neutral, and cold milk, cold or cold Formula is more difficult to digest than friendly Formula.

Formulas and milk have fat content. Formula or cold milk can slow down the digestion process inside the baby’s stomach.

Thus, it requires the stomach muscle more to digest the food. Most infants do not have any issues digesting it.

Infants with irritable stomachs may experience symptoms of indigestion. Indigestion can cause stress, increasing gas, cramps, and nausea.

Furthermore, the mixture may not blend well when mixed with cold water. When the well-mixed mixture cools, it gets thicker in texture.

The resulting uneven mixture or the formulation surface becomes challenging to digest for infants.

Related: What Happens if a Baby Drinks Old Formula?

What Temperature Should The Baby Formula Be?

If you’re trying to replicate your breast milk’s temp, then 98degF is the temperature you should aim for.

The mixture will be neutral on your wrist since it resembles your body’s temperature.

Formula companies advise mixing their Formula in cool liquid ( 35-75deg F).

If your child prefers to drink warm bottles, mix the bottle with cool water and run it through the friendly tap until it reaches the desired temperature.

If you don’t plan to apply the Formula shortly, it is recommended to mix the Formula with cool water and then chill until required.

Related: Can Drinking Too Much Milk Causes a Toddler Stool to Be White

How do I know if the Cold Formula is Causing Colic?

While Colic is a typical and common problem, avoiding or reducing the risk is crucial.

There isn’t any scientific reason or evidence to clarify whether cold Formula can cause Colic in your baby.

No scientifically proven method exists to test if the cause is complex Formula or milk.

Does Cold Formula Cause Gas?

For the test to succeed, ensuring everything is the same as before is necessary.

Stop feeding your child cold Formula. Begin giving your child the same Formula. However, ensure it’s warm. Use Colic and gas-prevention baby bottles.

Keep an eye on the infant for a few days or perhaps one or two weeks. If you see any evolutions in the frequency of Colic, you are sure that your child reacts to the cold temperatures of Formula.

However, you must search for other signs if you don’t notice any changes. It could be the bottle you feed your baby with or the formula you give your child.

How Can I Tell When My Baby’s Formula May Upset The Baby?

Your baby could be experiencing stomach problems if you observe any of these symptoms:


  • Crying or Irritability following feeding
  • Diarrhea
  • Frequent burping, fussiness, and gas following drinking formula
  • Trouble eating or eating less or not wanting to take food. It could also manifest as less appetite.
  • Signs of Colic that are a warning sign for babies are:
  • Babies who cry too much without any apparent cause, usually beginning in the evening and lasting into the night
  • A child can be triggered at any time without reason. Babies can also be irritable when being held.
  • The crying can change pitch and can be difficult for parents to hear.
  • Colicky children might have a bloated belly or tend to retain stool.

Read More: Does Foam in Formula Cause Gas?

Mix The Formula Using Cold Water.

As mentioned earlier, the formula companies advise mixing their Formula with cool water.

Adding formula powder to boiling water could lump the powder, making mixing difficult.

Additionally, warm water can encourage the growth of harmful bacteria. Adding a Formula to boiling water could also ruin certain nutrients in the Formula, rendering it less effective for your child.

Mix ingredients with cold water and gently warm the bottle to your child’s desired temperature.

If you’re using tap water, experts suggest heating the water to boil for one minute, cooling it before adding the formula powder, and heating it until the desired temperature.

Related: What to do with Expired Baby Formula

When Should You Switch Your Current Formula?

Spitting, random Colic, and reflexes are average among infants. Children younger than three months will likely vomit or spit 3-4 times daily, particularly after a meal.

If you experience frequent reflux after feeding, each time is an important indicator that you need to modify the recipe.

Other signs to watch out for are frequent irritation and crying in infants.

If they don’t take food or appear to be suffering from excessive gas, there could be some aspects of the Formula you are currently using that are not suited for the baby’s stomach.

It is advised to change the Formula. Some babies may have particular preferences when it comes to Formula. They may not like specific formulas and will not from fed them. Try new formulas to discover the infant’s favorite.

In addition, If your child has lost weight and is peeing more often, consult a podiatric physician as soon as possible. Also, change the Formula as fast as you are able.

Most baby formulas have ingredients that are safe and beneficial for babies. Specific formulas are of lower quality, and others contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions.

If you have any of these reasons, talk to your physician first if you need to alter your current prescription.

Keep in mind that you can only guess the severity of an issue. You’re not a doctor. Consult your physician to select the appropriate options.

Related: How to Dress Baby For the Winter Months?

Do Babies Have The Ability To Drink Formula Directly From The Fridge?

If your baby isn’t opposed to having cold Formula, it is possible to drink an entire bottle straight from the refrigerator.

Eventually, once your child ages and begins drinking regular dairy milk, pour it straight from the fridge into the cup.

If you’re mixing the bottles for your baby in advance and placing them in the fridge, ensure that you’re adhering to the safe formula standards:

  • Mix formulas within 24 hours
  • Do not store and reuse empty bottles of Formula
  • The Formula should be refrigerated immediately after the following mixing
  • Clean bottles before using

Related: What Kind of Water Should Babies Drink?

Does Cold Milk Harm A Baby?

There aren’t any research studies that have proven how cold or cold-watered milk can be harmful to infants.

The American Academy of Pediatrics says it’s okay to feed your infants milk or Formula at room temperature as you ensure they don’t have an intolerance to it.

Does Cold Formula Cause Gas?

Many pediatricians believe that warm bottles could cause gastroesophageal reflux. It is also called GERD. Based on the Mayo Clinic, babies with GERD might vomit or produce a lot of gas.

Does Warm Formula Assist With Gas?

Warm Formula hasn’t been proven to ease gas symptoms. However, it won’t cause it to get worse.

Drinking warm milk will help soothe your child and make them more comfortable going through the gas bubbles.

A warm bottle may help your baby drift asleep, which will help ease the discomfort from gas.

How Often Can Babies Drink Cold Formula?

If your baby likes drinking your Formula chilled, you could serve them a chilled bottle at each feeding.

Cold Formula is more convenient to make and help, mainly because you don’t have to worry about warming the bottle before every feeding.

If your child insists on having a perfect warm bottle, there’s no need to advocate cold Formula. Ultimately, your baby’s bottle temperature will depend on their preference.

So long as you’re following the safe food guidelines for formulas and ensuring that the bottle isn’t overheated and not too hot, you can allow your child to choose which temperature at which meal is served.

Can Cold Formula Aid In Reflux?

Reflux is a prevalent issue for infants since they still develop esophagus muscles. Certain studies indicate that certain infants can be treated by feeding their food upright.

However, many with this problem must be on medication for a long. Children with reflux could tend to vomit after their meals. There is no direct connection in the cold formulation.

Does Cold Formula Cause Diarrhea?

Babies can be allergic to milk products such as lactose or other dairy products. It may experience diarrhea when feeding on milk formula that contains cold.

Babies with dairy allergies cannot tolerate particular ingredients in other milk products, such as rice, almonds, soy, etc.

Make sure to use breastmilk as often as possible to aid your baby in getting rid of harmful bacteria.

What Can I Do If My Kid Cries After Drinking Formula?

If your child is crying after drinking an empty bottle, it likely is because the bottle’s Formula has been cold and chilled.

Because she’s unable to regulate the product’s flow, the only way she can comfort herself is to cry.

My baby cries when I attempt to feed him a bottle. Is there something wrong? Babies cry for a variety of reasons.

If your baby doesn’t enjoy his Formula’s flavor or temperatures, he’ll likely have several instances of crying. Mix your Formula to room temperature and then warm the bottles.

In the end, Cold Formula does not harm babies. However, it could cause stomach problems. Keeping the Formula at room temperature is better than storing it in the refrigerator.

The baby will not require a warm Formula; therefore, a room temperature of around 68 degrees is ideal.

What to Consider While Choosing A Formula For A Gassy Or Colic Baby?

It’s always best to talk with your child’s doctor before changing to a new food since a specialist understands the background of your child’s medical condition.

Suppose your child has a typical tolerance to formulas. In that case, you may be able to explore the majority of formulas available on the market to see if you can find a different one.

However, some babies aren’t tolerant of the usual Formula. They can be upset, fussy, and gassy when fed typical formulas.

If your baby falls in this category, then you must select a formula marked to be suitable for babies suffering from colic, gas, or fussiness and follow the advice of a specialist whenever feasible.

Usually, these gas and colic-safe formulas contain the following ingredients that can help minimize gas formation within your baby’s digestive system.

Hypoallergenic Formula: These formulas contain predigested Casein. It’s a protein-based compound found in milk and divided into smaller components to facilitate digestion.

Lactose-Free Formula: It’s not for all infants who are born. But some out there are intolerant to lactose. Lactose is a component of sugar that is found in milk, too. In a lactose-free formulation, the lactose components are substituted with other naturally occurring sugars, such as sugar or sucrose.

Soy Milk Formula: This is an excellent option for vegan families. But it’s suitable for infants who are allergic to cow’s milk. The formulas utilize soy milk in place of milk as their primary protein source.


Contrary to popular belief, the cold formula doesn’t directly upset a baby’s stomach; rather, it may present a minor challenge in digestion due to its temperature.

The short version is that cold Formula isn’t a cause of stomach gas or even Colic. When not combined with other factors, cold formulas will not trigger gas.

Therefore, it’s completely safe to offer your child cold formulas. It’s slightly better than a hot or warm formula that could cause your child’s mouth burns.

If your child loves it and has no issues, you can continue giving your baby cold Formula without guilt. However, if they do not like it, you’ll have several options to change it.

While it is true that cold formula can upset a baby’s stomach, it is important to remember that each baby is different. Some may be more sensitive to temperature variations than others.


Will cold formula hurt babies’ stomachs?

The cold formula isn’t typically harmful to a baby’s stomach but might be less comfortable.

Is it harder for babies to digest cold formula?

It’s not necessarily harder for babies to digest cold formula, but some might find warm formula more soothing.

How do I know if the formula is making my baby gassy?

If your baby is gassy, it might burp, pass wind frequently, seem uncomfortable, or have a bloated tummy. These could be signs that the formula might be causing gas.

Is warm formula easier to digest?

The warm formula is not scientifically proven to be easier to digest. However, many babies seem to prefer it, possibly because it’s closer to the temperature of breast milk.

What happens if I feed my baby cold formula?

Feeding your cold baby formula shouldn’t cause any serious problems. They might just not like the temperature, which could lead to fussiness.

Is cold or warm formula better for gas?

There’s no clear evidence to suggest that the temperature of the formula affects gas. Cold and warm formulas should be fine, but each baby is different.

Can cold formulas cause hiccups?

The cold formula doesn’t specifically cause hiccups. Hiccups in babies are common and usually occur when they swallow air during feeding.

Is warm or cold milk better for reflux?

For babies with reflux, there’s no definitive answer on temperature. However, it’s generally recommended to use warm milk, as it can help to soothe the baby’s esophagus. Always check with your healthcare provider for specific advice.