Can I Use Cornstarch for Diaper Rash?

Can I use cornstarch for diaper rash? If you want to know the answer to all your queries related to this, then you are at the right place.

Cornstarch, a natural remedy for many skin problems worldwide, is often used to treat diaper rash. It isn’t surprising due to the medicinal properties that make it an effective solution when applied to babies’ delicate bottom areas.

You can also follow the Ultimate Baby Diaper Buying Guide to choose the best diaper for your Toddlers.

But there are always those who take exception when using something so simple as corn starch.

They believe other products can do just as well without negatively impacting their baby’s sensitive skin.

While it may not be universally effective for all types of diaper rash, using cornstarch as a treatment option has been a home remedy for many generations.

That also is because of a myriad of reasons. So, before answering the question on everyone’s mind, Can I use cornstarch for diaper rash?

Using cornstarch for diaper rash is not recommended at any time, as it can worsen a diaper rash with candidal. 

First, you should know what Diaper rash is.

1. What is Diaper Rash?

Can I Use Cornstarch for Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is an infection that can strike at any time, and many parents are in a fix to know how best to deal with it when it comes up. 

You feel like a horrible parent when your baby has a diaper rash, but don’t worry; there are ways in which you can help reduce the amount of redness on their bottom.

These rashes are just because of the moisture in poop that produces bacteria that harm them more than you may think.

Unfortunately, no one can stop a child from soiling their diapers, so you must find other ways of avoiding infection on your baby’s skin, like diaper change routines.

We should not ignore diaper rash, especially since it could potentially involve more severe health risks.

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2. Reasons or Causes of Diaper Rashes?

Diaper rashes are a common occurrence in babies and toddlers.

Unfortunately, many people don’t realize how quickly this problem can arise and become an infection if left unchecked long enough with no treatment.

They can be caused by many things, such as bacteria, moist, closed, dirty diapers (especially when the baby gets diarrhea), tight clothing or jeans that irritate your little one’s skin, and chemicals found within cleaning wipes.

Even yeast infection might make you see some redness around their bottoms, with inflammation as a first sign.

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3. Are There Any Home Remedies That Are Used For Diaper Rashes?

Can I Use Cornstarch for Diaper Rash


On the positive side, cornstarch assists in maintaining dry skin and lessens friction, making it an efficient substitute for baby powder that aids in preventing and treating diaper rashes. It has been a home treatment “used for many generations.”

Of course, when you have a bad diaper rash, the first thing that comes to mind is probably vinegar or baking soda.

But there are other ingredients for those times when mommy needs something more.

For example, Cornstarch can be used as an amazing natural remedy; not only will it help stop any new breakouts from happening and make existing ones feel better.

4. What is Cornstarch?

Can I Use Cornstarch for Diaper Rash?

Cornstarch is an interesting food that can be modified into various forms by manufacturing processes or medical purposes.

One example would be how it’s been changed to produce effects on healing (You might consider using one from Johnson’s for your little one).

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5. Can I Use Cornstarch For Diaper Rash?

Despite some limitations, cornstarch has been a trusted home treatment for diaper rash for many generations due to its effectiveness in maintaining dry skin and lessening friction.

However, it’s not impossible if you know some trade tricks.

And yes! You can use Cornstarch for diaper rash as it has been shown time after time as one of many safe methods used at home, specifically because no harsh chemicals are involved.

It is an excellent cure for diaper rash. Not only does it work quickly and effectively, but corn starch also has the added benefit of being safe enough to use on your baby’s delicate skin without risking side effects like other medications might.

It is a great option for parents who want to avoid using potentially harmful chemicals on their babies.

Due to its natural state, corn starch can be used constantly without fearing any adverse reactions or side effects that may harm your little one.

It can help soothe and relieve diaper rash. It can be dusted on the affected area to absorb excess moisture and reduce friction, which can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing.

While some health experts recommend against using cornstarch at any time due to the risk of worsening a candidal diaper rash, many parents find it a beneficial remedy for non-yeast-related diaper rashes.

Therefore, caution should be exercised when considering its use.

Related: Baby Heat Rash – Causes, Symptoms

6. How Cornstarch Works?

Corn-based starches have been used since Ancient Egypt as a bandage material due to their anti-inflammatory properties, which help soothe skin inflammation.

It will soothe their rashes and stop the redness from irritated skin cells rubbing against one another, leading to pain or burning sensation followed by inflammation, dryness, and discomfort that can last for days if not properly treated.

It won’t lead to problems like those caused by talcum powder.

It is preferred because it soothes and cools your baby’s delicate skin immediately after application, reducing any pain associated with diaper rash.

Corn starch also stops further spread by drying up moisture on contact.

According to the National Library of Medicine, Cornstarch works quickly and effectively, treating skin irritation on your baby’s bottom while being safe for them.

7. Why Is Cornstarch Better Than Baby Powder?

Why is cornstarch better than other baby powders if this question hits you?

Or can I use Cornstarch for diaper rash? Then the reason is here. It does this by maintaining the dryness of an infant’s delicate skin.

This dryness helps prevent further problems by ensuring your infant’s skin stays healthy.

However, this solution is not always effective because it can get into a child’s respiratory system.

Cornstarch works better than baby powder in many circumstances because it doesn’t combine with atmospheric oxygen and goes into your child’s internal mechanisms when applied.

8. Other Uses of Cornstarch

As already stated, there are a lot of uses for Cornstarch, some of which greatly benefit human health. The following are some of them:

Cornstarch can enhance the flavor of different foods while not compromising your favorite dishes’ integrity and as a food additive.

It is a great substitute for wheat flour in many recipes as it is gluten-free.

Cornstarch offers an alternative source of glucose that provides necessary energy during rigorous physical activities like running.

Cornstarch is an ingredient used in weight gain formulas to increase calories. 

It absorbs moisture and has many other uses, like removing stains from oil.

It helps in healing bites caused by insects like bugs.

It may also help remove unpleasant smells.

Along with several interesting uses, one of its most popular and practical applications is healing burns from the sun.

It can also help cure skin irritation or allergies. Then, the answer is yes.

9. Reason for Using Cornstarch for the Treatment of Diaper Rash

Five reasons explain why Cornstarch is best for treating diaper rashes. Have a look at them:

It Produces a Barrier

Cornstarch is a great way to keep your baby’s skin protected at all times.

It’s not soluble in water or acids, making a nice barrier between your baby’s skin and any liquid on their diaper after they wet themselves.

It Decreases Friction

Cornstarch has a silky and fine texture that can reduce the amount of friction between your baby’s skin to any surface (such as a diaper) it comes in contact with, just like talcum Powder does for babies.

pH Neutral

It is pH neutral and will not change the skin’s acidity.

Cornstarch is a great choice for all babies because it is gentle on sensitive or irritated skin.

It helps In keeping skin Dry.

Cornstarch is an excellent remedy for baby skin and diaper rash as it will dry out the area while protecting against infection with its protective barrier, all in one simple application.

Rubbing some on your body after a shower can give you the best understanding of how this strange substance works.

It Is Natural

It is a natural ingredient, and as a pantry staple, it is at the same level as vinegar and coconut oil.

And it’s always better to use something natural than the commercially available balms and lotions.

10. Methods of using Cornstarch for diaper rash

For application, it is recommended to apply cornstarch close to the affected area with soft patting movements.

It can be directly applied to the baby’s skin as talcum powder.

Take a clean piece of cloth and clean your baby’s bottom with it after soaking it in hot water and squeezing the excess water.

Then, after drying the skin of the baby, sprinkle some cornstarch. Then, make your little one wear a new diaper after waiting 5 minutes.

You can use Cornstarch 2-3 times a day with the help of this method.

To use Cornstarch for Diaper Rash

, first, clean the affected area with mild soap and water. Then, apply a thin layer of cornstarch to the rash to avoid any areas of broken skin.

Allow the cornstarch to sit on the skin for a few minutes before patting the area dry with a soft towel. Repeat this process throughout the day to help soothe and heal the rash.

It’s important to note that cornstarch should not be used instead of medicated creams or ointments prescribed by a pediatrician.

Mix Two Tablespoons of Cornstarch with one Tablespoon of Petroleum jelly.

Apply the mixture as a thick cream to the affected area for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, wipe it out with the help of a warm wet cloth.

You can reapply this remedy twice daily if needed.

You Might Want to Try it out for your Baby by Mixing Cornstarch with Coconut oil or Vitamin E Capsules.

Make a paste of all the ingredients for this remedy: ½ cup each of Cornstarch with ½ cup of coconut oil; after mixing them, add a vitamin E capsule.

Apply it to the affected area and sit for 10 minutes before washing it off thoroughly in warm water. 

11. Why Not Use Cornstarch For Diaper Rash?

Medicated creams and ointments often contain active ingredients, such as zinc oxide or hydrocortisone, specifically designed to treat and prevent diaper rash.

They can provide more effective and long-term relief than cornstarch alone. Additionally, using cornstarch on broken skin can cause irritation and infections.

It’s always best to consult a pediatrician before using new products on a baby’s skin, especially if the rash is severe or shows signs of infection.

12. Pros and Cons of Using Cornstarch

Cornstarch is a common household staple and has been used for generations to help maintain the integrity of our skin.

In addition, corn starch provides relief from dryness and helps with many other ailments, such as diaper rash. Some of its pros and cons are given here.


Cornstarch has a lot of advantages and positive effects on the skin. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • Cornstarch can be used as a remedy for sensitive skin. The natural ingredient helps relieve the irritation and redness on the skin by providing an instantly smooth surface. It is a natural ingredient that can be used by both babies and adults to combat dry skin. Cornstarch has been proven time after time as one of the best ways to restore smoothness.
  • It is natural and treats some skin problems, including allergies and other infections.
  • Cornstarch is a great way to clean and clear skin when used as a cleanser because of its abrasiveness.
  • It is cost-effective.


Some disadvantages or negative effects of using Cornstarch are here:

  • It can cause allergies in some people because it is a powder from food.
  • It is a common saying that excess of everything is bad; in the same way, using Cornstarch excessively can lead to excessive dryness of the skin and ultimately result in worsening the skin rashes.
  • It does not work exactly like commercially available powders made in factories, which may be because it contains more food components than mineral components. 
  • If the diaper rashes are caused by yeast (one of the most common rashes in babies), the application of Cornstarch can even worsen the condition. The reason behind this is that Cornstarch is a great source of food for yeast.

(And it is one of the frequently asked questions: “Does Cornstarch make yeast diaper rash worse?).

Read More: How To Change A Diaper For Your Baby? 

13. Some Other Home Remedies For Diaper Rash

According to some mothers, home remedies are the best solution for diaper rashes, especially when certain creams are not working. Here are some other common home remedies for diaper rash:

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can also be used as a home remedy for diaper rash. It has antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

Moreover, the consistency of coconut oil provides a great barrier to the delicate skin of your little one. However, use it carefully because it causes the urine to repel.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You can also use apple cider vinegar for diaper rash by adding it to the bath water of your little one. It is alkaline and eliminates acidity that causes diaper rash in babies.

Baking Soda

The rashes caused by acidic poop, like the ones caused by antibiotics or new food, can be treated by soaking your little one’s bottom in the baking soda bath for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Baking soda is alkaline in nature, which balances the acidity.

14. Some Other Tips For Treating Diaper Rash

Parents should also need to remember the ABCDEs for treating diaper rash. It will help in providing comfort to your baby. Follow these tips:

Airing- You should air out your baby’s bottom whenever you can. Avoid long baths because they can worsen the irritation, and let the baby be naked whenever possible.

Barrier- Provide a protective covering that acts as a barrier. It will prevent your little one’s bottom from additional irritation and provide time for healing.

Clean- Keep your baby’s bottom clean and dry whenever they pee or poop.

Disposable- Try to use tighter-fitting disposable diapers for your little one. They will not provide much room for wiggling, which can irritate.

Educate- Do not blame yourself if something you are doing is causing rashes to your little one. All you need to do is educate yourself and learn how to avoid that.

Final Thoughts

It’s been noted that cornstarch may not always help with diaper rash and could even worsen certain types. Still, when used correctly, it can be instrumental in keeping skin dry and reducing friction, thereby minimizing the chances of heat and diaper rashes.

Lastly, cornstarch, with its wonderful properties to keep skin dry and reduce friction, does help in managing most diaper rashes; however, its use should be cautious if a yeast infection is suspected.

In summary, while cornstarch can reduce friction and assist in maintaining dry skin, it may not be effective for all types of diaper rash. It is best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to put cornstarch on diaper rash?

Yes, it’s OK to put cornstarch on diaper rash. It can absorb moisture and keep the skin dry, helping to prevent and heal rashes. However, avoid using it if there’s a yeast infection, which may worsen the situation.

What is the best home remedy for severe diaper rash?

One of the most effective ways to treat severe diaper rash at home is by ensuring that the area is always clean and dry. Remember to change diapers frequently to prevent any further irritation. A diaper rash cream containing zinc oxide can provide excellent relief and promote faster healing.

How do you get rid of diaper rash in 24 hours?

To effectively eliminate diaper rash within just 24 hours, change your baby’s diaper frequently. Additionally, allow your little one to go diaper-free for a couple of hours each day, allowing their delicate skin to breathe and dry out naturally. Lastly, generously apply a rich layer of diaper rash cream or ointment to provide soothing relief and promote healing. Following these simple steps, you can swiftly address diaper rash and ensure your baby’s comfort.

Can you use cornstarch instead of baby powder?

Yes, you can use cornstarch instead of baby powder. It can absorb excess moisture and prevent chafing. But do not use it if the baby has a yeast diaper rash, as cornstarch can feed the yeast and worsen the rash.

What Is Diaper Rash?

Diaper rash is an infection that can occur on a baby’s bottom due to moisture, bacteria, and irritation.

What Are The Causes Of Diaper Rashes?

Diaper rashes can be caused by various factors such as bacteria, moist, closed, dirty diapers, tight clothing or jeans that irritate the skin, chemicals found within cleaning wipes, and yeast infections.

Are There Any Home Remedies That Can Be Used For Diaper Rashes?

Many home remedies, such as vinegar, baking soda, and cornstarch, can be used for diaper rashes.

What Is Cornstarch?

Cornstarch is a type of food that can be used for various purposes, such as manufacturing and medical purposes.

Can I Use Cornstarch For Diaper Rash?

Yes, cornstarch is an effective and safe remedy for diaper rash. It works quickly and effectively to soothe and cool the skin and can be used without fear of adverse reactions or side effects.

How Does Cornstarch Work For Diaper Rash?

Cornstarch has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe skin inflammation. It helps to reduce pain, burning sensation, dryness, and discomfort associated with diaper rash by drying up moisture and reducing friction between irritated skin cells. It also prevents the further spread of the rash.
