How to Clean a Stroller? Easy Guide

As we know that there is a strong link between small children and dirtiness. This uncleanliness is obtained in many ways, like leaked drinks, dirty sunscreen, and dirty shoes.

Leakage of the baby’s diaper is also a significant cause of uncleanliness for your tiny child. Vomit and dirty shoes are also responsible for dirtiness.

These are all causes of dirtiness. If you have to place your baby in the stroller, then it is evident that uncleanliness will be delivered from little one to stroller.

In this article, we will discuss How to clean a stroller?

What is the Typical Duration of Cleaning a Stroller?

The respective duration of cleansing depends on the type of cleansing:

The normal cleansing:

It includes:

  • Cleaning of sport
  • Use of Vacuum


  • The expected duration is about 20 to 30 minutes.

The Deep Cleaning:

It includes:

  • Removal of the seat of the stroller.
  • Removal of a basket of the stroller.
  • Cleaning of wheels.


  • The typical duration of deep cleaning is about 1 to 2 hours.

The top to toe Cleaning:

It includes:

  • Cleansing of fibers.
  • It occurs in the washing machine.
  • The frame of the stroller is also dried in the fresh air.


  • It may take more than 1 day.

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Which Things Are Required to Clean Your Baby’s Stroller?

How to Clean a Stroller?

If you wish to clean the stroller of your baby, then ensure that these things are available.

The Guide Paper of Your Baby’s Stroller:

  • It is the stroller’s manual.
  • It contains instructions about how to clean a stroller.


  • It will guide you on whether you should remove the basket or not, remove the seat, and washing of fabrics.
  • Moreover, this stroller’s guide paper will inform about using a vacuum.

A Good Quality Vacuums Pump:

  • A vacuum cleaner is an integral part of cleaning.
  • Different type of vacuum cleaners is available in the market.
  • It would be best if you chose according to your budget
  • A handled vacuum cleaner is best for cleaning.

Dishwash Soap or Stain Remover Spray:

  • It should be baby friendly.

 Siclare’s recommendation:

  • Sinclare recommends odor remover and Baby Organics and odor remover for cleansing the spot.

Huff’s Recommendation:

  • Huffs recommend the secret spot remover to remove the stains.
  • These two things are too helpful in removing stains and spots.
  • You can also use dish wash soap to remove stains.
  • Scientists tested about 7 seven times the dish soap but did not get adverse effects.

Spray and Wipes:

  • Spray should be used for all purposes.
  • The wipe should contain alcohol or disinfectant ingredients.
  • Clorox wipes are one of the best to clean the wheel and frame.
  • The all-purpose spray is also for cleaning.
  • All-purpose cleaner spray is the best spray for cleaning.

Washing Cleanser:

  • If your stroller can wash, then you should use washing detergent.
  • The best Laundry Detergent for cleansing is the Seventh-Generation free laundry detergent.
  • Detergents can also be used for the same purpose.

A toothbrush:

  • A toothbrush helps clean spots and stains in the corners.

A scrubber:

  • A sponge or scrubber is used for cleaning large surfaces.

Paper cloth or strips:

  • Sometimes you need to clean the extra spray.
  • You must use a paper cloth to remove excessive spray.
  • Paper strips also use for the same purpose.

A dry place for a stroller:

  • It would be best to choose the best place to dry the stroller.
  • If you wash the stroller’s seat, you should place it on and allow it to dry.

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What is the primary Method to Clean a Stroller?

If you want to know How to clean a stroller, you should follow tips from the expert team to look after babies. The cleaning of the stroller occurs in three phases which are given below.

Phase one:

  • It includes fabric cleaning

Phase two:

  • It includes frame cleaning.

Phase three:

  • It includes wheel cleaning.
  • Here we will discuss these phases in detail.

Phase One:

How to Clean a Stroller?

Things require:

  • Some fabric towels
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Alcohol swabs
  • Brushes
  • Hot water
  • Soap

Stage 1:

  • In the first stage, you should remove dirtiness.
  • You should remove any debris with the help of brushes.
  • In this way, all types of debris will be removed.

Stage 2:

  • As we know that all types of debris do not clean out through the brush.
  • To overcome this problem, you must use a vacuum cleaner.
  • Using a handle vacuum, all loose dirtiness collects in the storage box of the vacuum pump.

Stage 3:

  • The canopy is an integral part of the stroller.
  • It is detachable.
  • You can wash the canopy with the help of soap or a machine.
  • You should remove the canopy with the help of the stroller’s manual.

Stage 4:

  • This is the seat-cleaning phase.
  • In a stroller, some come with non-detachable seats, and some come with detachable seats.
  • If the stroller’s seat is detachable, remove it; otherwise, clean it in the stroller.
  • You can clean it with hot water or soap.

 Stage 5:

  • In this phase, you should remove the fungus.
  • You must clean the fungus if you see it in the stroller.
  • Lemon juice is mainly used to remove the fungus.
  • Small fungus spots can be cleaned with the help of hot water.
  • You can remove larger spots with the help of vinegar and salted water.

Stage 6:

  • Sometimes you notice small spots in the fabric of the stroller.
  • It would be best if you used the spray for stain removal.
  • You can also use the toothbrush for stain removal.

Stage 7:

  • It would be best if you dried the stroller after proper cleaning.
  • You can dry the stroller with sunlight.
  • You can also dry the stroller with the help of direct sunlight or UV rays.

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Phase two:

It includes frame cleaning.

How to Clean a Stroller?

Things require:

  • Hot water
  • Soap
  • Alcohol swabs or disinfectant wipes
  • A brush
  • A piece of soft cloth
  • Scrub

Things to remove before cleaning:

  • These things are necessary to remove before cleaning
  • Food tray of the stroller
  • The cup holder of the stroller
  • Bumpers of stroller

Stage 1:

  • First, prepare the cleaning solution.
  • You can make a solution for cleaning by mixing soap with hot water.
  • Ensure that the solution is not too deep.

Stage 2:

  • Wash the frame with a cleaning solution.
  • The cleaning solution will wipe out all uncleanliness and debris.
  • This standard cleaning solution can clean all the junk from the stroller.
  • If stains are significant, you should use the brush to remove stains.
  • Sometimes a stroller contains corrosion. You should remove it with vinegar and salt.
  • This is the most essential phase of frame cleaning.

Stage 3:

  • In this, we will advise you to clean the frame with the help of a cloth.
  • Using a clean cloth to wipe out the strains would be best.
  • You should remove soap debris if noticed in the stroller.

Stage 4:

  • This stage will guide you to use disinfectant wipes to clean.
  • It is effective in killing germs.

Stage 5:

  • This is the last step of frame cleaning.
  • It would be best to use sunlight or a vacuum cleaner to dry.

Phase three:

How to Clean a Stroller?
  • It is the wheel cleaning stage of stroller cleaning.
  • As we know, that wheel gets more dirtiness and debris than other parts. Sometimes brakes get damaged due to interfering with the stone in the brakes of the stroller.

Things require:

  • Hot water
  • Toothbrush
  • Smoothing oil
  • Soap

Stage 1:

  • First, you must remove the wheels.
  • This is the most crucial step for cleaning.
  • You can easily remove wheels by reading the stroller’s manual.

Stage 2:

  • In this stage, you should remove the large particles that interfere with the wheels.
  • The sand, stones, and other debris stick in the frame and tire of the rim.

Stage 3:

  • It is the stage of wheel washing.
  • It would be best if you washed the wheels with warm water.
  • A Scrub is used to remove vital spots.

Stage 4:

  • In this stage, you should wash the wheels with water.
  • You can also use a hosepipe to clean the wheels.

Stage 5:

  • You should kill the germs using disinfectant wipes.

Stage 6:

  • Use a dry cleaner or sunlight to dry the stroller.

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Conclusion: How to clean a stroller?

If you have a stroller for a baby, then you must know How to clean the stroller? It is easy to clean the stroller.

You can clean it with soap, wipes, clothe, and a vacuum cleaner. Its main steps include cleaning of frame, fabric, and wheels.

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FAQs: How to clean a stroller?

How to clean a stroller?

You can clean your baby stroller with the help of soap, wipes, and a vacuum cleaner.

You can also use vinegar and salt to remove corrosion. Please read our article for full detailed knowledge about How to clean a stroller.

Is it possible to clean a stroller?

Yes, you can use it. You can clean your baby stroller with the help of soap, wipes, and a vacuum cleaner. You can also use vinegar and salt to remove corrosion.

Please read our article for full detailed knowledge about How to clean a stroller.

How to dry the frame of the stroller?

You can dry the frame of the stroller by using a vacuum pump or direct sunlight.

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